Thursday, May 5, 2011

Random Survey

Today, I'm giving you kind of a re-run from one of my other blogs. I went to the beach with someone earlier, and I'm kind of having a date night with the hubby tonight, so I'm not sure when I'd have time to write something new today. Tomorrow, I promise. For now, enjoy!

(Real) Name: Heather

Nicknames: Miguel, Cracker

Birthplace: Osage, Iowa

Sign: Capriquarius (Capricorn/Aquarius cusp)

Pets: Mango and Lilly (golden retriever and black lab, respectively)

Tattoos/Piercings: I have my ears pierced twice, and those are all the piercings I plan to have. As for tattoos, recently got my first (an anchor with my husband's name - he's in the Navy) and am already planning for at least two more!

Indoors or Outdoors? If the weather is nice, I love being outdoors. There's just something about nature that relaxes me right down to the core. I love wooded areas near water. Streams are the best, but the ocean has been really nice lately too.

Ideal Place to Live: Somewhere secluded - in the woods by a lake, river or ocean. A log cabin with gardens and hidden alcoves in the trees. This cabin must have a fireplace and a library with bookshelves built into the walls. A jacuzzi would not be amiss, but it is not completely necessary.

Instruments I Play: I took some piano lessons as a child/teenager, so I can play passably well. Currently, I am without a piano and going through withdrawals. Other than that, I can pluck a few chords on the guitar...
and that's about it.

Random Talent: I'm pretty good at memorization - movie quotes, song lyrics. Also, I make a mean chocolate chip cookie.

Favorite Color: blue/green... a sort of deep teal, also plum and bronze

Favorite 3 Books/Series: "Biting the Sun," by Tanith Lee; "Harry Potter," by JK Rowling; "The Black Jewels," by Anne Bishop

Favorite Author: Tanith Lee (dark fantasy/horror)

Favorite 3 Bands: Sonata Arctica, The Decemberists, Cold War Kids

Favorite Song: Right now, it's a toss-up between the following: "O Children," by Nick Cave; "Rise to Me," by The Decemberists; "The Power of One," by Sonata Arctica; "The Chaconne," by Dessa

Favorite Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean (there are a lot of other movies I love, but not one I can think of that has really stuck with me more - TC probably has a lot to do with that fact.)

Favorite TV Show: Dexter or The Office

Favorite Fairy Tale: "Rumpelstiltskin," as told by Edith H. Tarcov (illustrated by Edward Gorey)

Favorite Poem: "A Dialogue Between Soul and Body," by Andrew Marvell
(or "The Ungrateful Garden," by Carolyn Kizer)

Favorite Childhood Memory: The neighbor boy and girl, my two sisters and I would often engage in a whimsical imaginary game we called "All Fantasy" (because any fantasy characters or situations were welcome). Since Junior was the only boy, he was always assigned to play the prince. My elder sister and the neighbor girl were always princesses. My younger sister wanted, for some reason, to be the royal hound. And I? I was the dragon. The best damn dragon you ever saw.

Who inspires you? Tanith Lee, JK Rowling, Colin Meloy, Tony Kakko, and (as cheesy as it sounds) William Shakespeare

What inspires you? Music, mainly. Especially things that Sonata Arctica and The Decemberists have written. A lot of their songs are stories - stories I would love to elaborate on.  

One Random Life Goal (Other Than Publishing THE NOVEL): I have always wanted to be the voice of a cartoon villain. It probably stems from all those instances wherein I played the dragon. Still, I think it would be sooo awesome.

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